"Yawning and Stretching"
I like this photo partially due to the framing (rule of thirds). I also like the contrast of the green, bright and alive, against the pale gray of the soil. I think it is interesting how the earth is cracking to let out this little bud of new life. Although there isn't a very shallow depth of field, the buds in the background add to the photograph.
Although this photo is centered, I think it adds to this particular photo because our eye is drawn to the center of the bud where, layers and layers down, there is a future flower hiding somewhere. I also like that the leaf on the lower right is larger than the others, creating an attractive shift in weight of the photograph.
I like this photo because of the way I was able to position it to capture the snow, sprouting plants, grass turning slowly baby-green in the background, and some hazy trees and sky. I like the contrast of the snow with the sprouting plants, as it truly gives the essence of the month of April and what spring is all about. I was also happy with the shallow depth of field that was produced by getting on the ground, close to the plants.
This photo was taken a day after it snowed a lot in Des Moines. With the weather slightly warmer, the snow on the roof of the church by my apartment had melted and was rushing out of the gutter pipe. I love everything about this photo: the light glistening in the water, the movement and splashing of the water, the light on the brick, the way part of the paint covering the brick is just peeling away, and how it reminds me of all the times still yet to come this spring when gutters will be spilling everywhere.
As I walked home from campus, someone's dog ran up to me, and I of course began to play because I love dogs. All of a sudden, ten more spill out of a porch nearby. I approached the house, where I spoke to the friendly lady who lived there about how hard it must be to take care of ten 7-week-old puppies at once. She let me photograph them for a while. This photo is one I like especially because the puppies are bombarding the tired mother for attention, pawing at her face, and she just sits calmly and tolerates their rambunctious behavior. I also wanted to include these because they represent yet another "new life" giving.
This puppy had been chewing paint off of the deck, and when the lady scolded him, I caught this face just in time. I love the hunched back, the apologetic eyes, and the lighting and shadows.
I love this photo because of the rambunctious way the brother and sister are playing. The boy's name is Wander because he always sneaks off the deck, and the girl's name was actually Sarah. I love the lighting and shadows, the paws everywhere, and the playful biting that all true puppy play en"tails." lol
I like the framing of this photo, with the action in the center. The puppy on the right kept trying to dig his way under the wood of the railing. The other puppy would try for awhile, then look back to see if anyone was going to stop them. I captured this moment, and love the "partners in crime" essence it emits. Once again, the lighting and shadows add a lot to the photo.
i like this picture's depiction of personalities...
the three puppies..
one fights for the attention and loves it needs
the middle one waits to be given it
and the third looks sad, almost as if he knows hes always left out of the loop.
"Yawning and Stretching" and "Well Hello" nice photos
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